FAQ ADOS-2 Requirements

FAQ ADOS-2 Requirements

What is required for someone to become competent in using the ADOS-2?


If you are an ADOS-2 user who has not previously been trained in the ADOS, you should do the following to obtain essential competence in the ADOS-2:

1. Make sure you have prior education, training, and experience that includes extensive exposure to autism spectrum disorders.

2. Study the ADOS-2 Manual. You can purchase and complete an associated CE Questionnaire and Evaluation Form (W-605MCE) to receive 6 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the ADOS-2 Manual.

3. Take a WPS in-person clinical training workshop or use the WPS DVD Training Package (W-605DVD). Both options offer training in all five ADOS-2 modules.

a. Upon completion of the in-person workshop, you will receive a certificate of completion that is equivalent to 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit. You will also receive materials needed to learn the Toddler Module, and you can purchase and complete a CE Questionnaire and Evaluation Form (W-606CE) to obtain an additional 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the toddler-specific materials.

b. If you opt to complete your training using the WPS DVD Training Package (W-605DVD), you can purchase and complete the associated CE Questionnaire and Evaluation Form (W-605CE) to receive 30 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the materials.

4. Practice using the ADOS-2 on cases that are not part of formal evaluations, and become completely confident that you are familiar with the assessment activities and can apply the coding categories accurately. If you have considerable experience in formal behavioral observation and individual test administration, you may reach this level in as few as 10 practice sessions (2 per module). Otherwise, you may need considerably more practice to obtain competence in administering and coding the ADOS-2.

5. If you are involved in formal research that may be published in peer-reviewed journals, you must also take a research training workshop, which is followed by exercises to establish item coding accuracy to a specific criterion. WPS is not involved in the research training workshops. For information on these courses, please visit: http://psychiatry.weill.cornell.edu/education-training/autism


If you are an ADOS-2 user who is already trained in the ADOS, you should do the following to obtain essential competence in the ADOS-2:


1. Study the ADOS-2 Manual. You can purchase and complete an associated CE Questionnaire and Evaluation Form (W-605MCE) to receive 6 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the ADOS-2 Manual.

2. Use the WPS DVD Training Upgrade Package (W-606DVD) to obtain additional training focused on the new Toddler Module. You can purchase and complete an associated CE Questionnaire and Evaluation Form (W-606CE) to obtain 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the material in the DVD Training Upgrade Package.

3. Practice using the ADOS-2 on cases that are not part of formal evaluations, and become completely familiar with the ADOS-2, including the updated administration, coding, and scoring guidelines and the new Toddler Module.

4. If you are involved in formal research that may be published in peer-reviewed journals, you must also take a research training workshop, which is followed by exercises to establish item coding accuracy to a specific criterion. If you have already received research training in the ADOS, you may need to update it for the ADOS-2. WPS is not involved in the research training workshops. For information on these courses, please visit: http://psychiatry.weill.cornell.edu/education-training/autism
